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A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops. – Henry B Adams
Four years ago I found Pilates Reformer at Infusion and it changed my entire body. I had just had my fourth baby and had no idea how to get my body back to normal. I wasn’t even sure what normal was at that point! I had tried so many other gyms and workouts and nothing compared to how strong I felt after a Reformer class. I loved how quickly I gained such a strong core along with long lean muscles. I have loved how it has transformed my body physically and mentally over the past few years.
I am especially grateful for these Reformer classes as they have helped me recover from complications from a knee operation I had in March. My physical therapists were unable to get my leg muscles to turn back on following the surgery. After two months of being bed ridden, we were finally able to turn my quad muscle back on. After an additional month of physical therapy though I found it was not getting stronger like it should.
I was still heavily dependent on my crutches and in a wheelchair. I realized I needed something else in addition to the therapy. I hobbled back into Infusion in July and it completely saved me! I felt like I was finally on the road to recovery. My physical therapists were amazed at my physical and emotional improvement. It strengthened my muscle so quickly that I was off crutches in weeks. It helped restore my loss of balance while walking. I was also able to climb stairs much earlier than my therapists anticipated. I would not be where I am now if I had not come to these classes. I am so grateful to be able to be engaged in life again!